With your object selected, grab the Direct Selection Tool (keyboard shortcut: A) and look for the little circular handles on the inside of your design.
If you’re using a letter like I am in this lesson, make sure to create outlines from it first by selecting it and navigating to Type > Create Outlines.
For this demonstration I will be using a letter A, but you can use whichever shape you’d like. To round corners in Adobe Illustrator, the first step is to select your object.
#Illustrator curved text how to
#Illustrator curved text free
The Direct Selection Tool allows you to change the type and position of the anchor points of an object (sort of like the points you would create when using the Pen Tool.)įeel free to reference the following video tutorial for a more immersive learning experience. In this tutorial we’ll be making good use of the Direct Selection Tool, which is a staple when making such granular alterations to the structural properties of an object.
Moving these handles will round the corners of your object. Round Corners In Adobe Illustrator To round corners in Adobe Illustrator, select the object, grab the Direct Selection Tool, then look for the Live Corner Widgets represented by circular handles near the corners of the design. I’ll also be addressing what to do if you can’t round corners in Adobe Illustrator because the Live Corner Widgets aren’t populating. After completing this tutorial, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to know to round all of the corners, individual corners, multiple corners, change the corner type, and set a numerical value for the radius of a rounded corner.